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Ethereum staking

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securing a new era of

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1,050,867 active validators

101 in the last day
Validators Daily change
0 Validators in Entry Queue

Wait Time: 0 hours, 0 minutes

371 validators in Exit Queue

Wait time: 2 hours, 28 minutes

What's Ethereum?

Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain where transactions take place, including payments, ownership of digital assets, and interactions with smart contracts. These operations are powered by its native token, Ether (ETH), which serves both as a digital currency and as a means to pay for network fees.

What's Staking?

Staking is the process of locking up ETH to support the operations and security of a blockchain network. By staking, you help validate transactions and maintain the network's integrity while earning rewards in return. It’s a key feature of Ethereum’s Proof of Stake system.

Participate in Ethereum staking By using SAAS (Stake As a Service)

Liquid Staking

Stake your Ether and get a "confirmation" token in exchange that can be used as colateral.

Show all
Service Min Stake Fee Liquid Token Pool token
Ankr Staking 0 ETH 10% of rewards ANKRETH ANKRETH ANKR ANKR
Binance Exchange 0 ETH BETH BETH BNB BNB
Coinbase Exchange 0.00001 ETH 25% of rewards cbETH cbETH
Lido Finance 0 ETH 10% of rewards STETH STETH LDO LDO
Rocket Pool (Pool) 0.01 ETH 15% of rewards RETH RETH RPL RPL
Stakewise Pool 0 ETH 10% of rewards OSETH OSETH SWISE SWISE
Stader 0 ETH 10% of rewards ETHx ETHx SD SD 0 ETH 10% of rewards EETH EETH ETHFI ETHFI
Swell 0 ETH 10% of rewards swETH swETH SWELL SWELL
Stakehouse 0 ETH dETH
Bedrock 0 ETH 10% of rewards uniETH
Frax 0 ETH 10% of rewards sfrxETH
Guarda 0 ETH 10% of rewards GETH
IndexCoop 0 ETH dsETH

Pooled Staking

Stake your Ether without a need to have 32 ETH.

Show all
Service Min Stake Fee Liquid Token Pool token StakeWise Vault 0 ETH 10% of rewards
Atomic Wallet 0 ETH false
Attestant 1000 ETH 12.5% of rewards false
Bitcoin Suisse Exchange 0 ETH 15% of rewards
Bitfinex Exchange 0.00001 ETH 25% of rewards
Bitfrost 0.1 ETH 15% of rewards
Dragonstake 0 ETH
Everstake 0 ETH
Kraken Exchange 0.00001 ETH 15% of rewards
MyContainer 0 ETH 2.27% of rewards
StaFi 0.01 ETH 20% of rewards
stakefish 0.1 ETH 10% of rewards false
Staking Facilities ETH
Swissborg ETH 1% of rewards
Bake 0 ETH 10% of rewards false
Stakin 0 ETH 0% of rewards false
Lantern Finance 0 ETH 15% of rewards false
Chorus One 0 ETH 0% of rewards false
Ethermine Staking 0.01 ETH 8% of rewards false

Hosted validator staking

Launch a solo validator by locking 32 ETH into a smart contract and operate the validator on hosted server.

Show all
Service Min Stake Fee solo validators 32 ETH 5% of rewards
Ethpool 32 ETH 2% of rewards
Abyss Finance 32 ETH %
Allnodes 32 ETH 10$/validator/month
BloqStake 32 ETH 4-8 % of rewards
Bloxstaking 32 ETH 0% (free)
Codefi Staking 32 ETH 5%
Cybavo 32 ETH 10% of rewards
Ebunker 32 ETH 25(0-25) % of rewards
imToken & InfStones 32 ETH 100$/validator
Launchnodes 32 ETH 20$/validator/month 32 ETH 45$/validator/month 32 ETH 10% of rewards
StakedUs 32 ETH 5$/validator/month 32 ETH
XHash 32 ETH
RockX 32 ETH
Attestant 1000 ETH
Kiln 32 ETH
Twinstake 32 ETH
Blockdaemon 32 ETH
Serenita 32 ETH
Figment 32 ETH

Get Extra revenue by operating own node

Pay no fees to anyone, instead get the fees from the others.

  • operate various staking services simultaneously within a single staking server
  • perform staking from node at home as well as from a server house or cloud
  • collect single rewards or join a smoothing pool

Boost the staking node revenue

There's possible to use a "leverage" in a form of bonded staking as well as use restaking to maximalize staking revenue.

Cloud Node

Build Custom Node

Build your node

Dapp Node

Buy ready-to-use Node

Buy plug-n-play staking node.

Cloud Node

Rent Cloud Node

Rent ready-to use cloud node

Managed Node

Order Managed Node

Order a managed node for placement in your home or in the cloud


Solo vs bonded validators

Option ETH bond ETH matched Non-ETH bond Fee % Note
Solo 32 0 None None No bond
Bonded Lido 2 32 None 8% out of 10% total Bond provided in stETH which also accrues rewards
Rocketpool 8 24 2.4 ETH worth of RPL 14% out of 14% total 8% APR on RPL staked
Stader 4 28 0,4 ETH worth of SD 6% out of 10% total 7.97% APR on SD staked

Interactive single-page staking guides

Build your own custom node from the scratch with our interactive step by step guides.

Staking schema
Operate Execution and consensus layer

Client-based interactive guides

Get help with installation, updates, maintanance and issue-solving for staking clients.

Ethereum clients overview

Execution clients

Nethermind Erigon Geth Reth Besu

Consensus clients

Lighthouse Lodestar Teku Prysm

MEV clients

(MEV Relayes)

Looking for a simpler way?

There are a bunch of toolkits that simplifies the process of setting up and maintaining an Ethereum Node.

Ethereum staking Emergency guide

Did something go wrong during Ethereum staking? Stay calm and open our emergency guide, which will walk you through the situation—from analyzing the issue to choosing the best possible steps to resolve it.

Ethereum staking Emergency guide

Airdrop Monitor

There has been associated airdrops adding extra revenue of validating. See them at