Exit Lighthouse validator

One-page interactive guide to install Lighthouse client and configurate it for running on supported chain.


This guide is for informational purposes only. The author nor website owner does not guarantee accuracy of the information in this guide and is not responsible for any damages or losses incurred by following the guide.

Lighthouse client can be used for staking on various supported chains. Client installation is always only one, used by services with an individual configuration (different service name, data path and ports in use).

Exit validator instance / validator(s)

A validator can be exited with following command:
lighthouse --network "$chain" account validator exit --keystore /path/to/keystore --password-file "$HOME/exit/keystore-password.txt" --beacon-node http://localhost:5052
  • --network is mainnet for Ethereum chain and gnosis for Gnosis chain
  • --keystore is a path to the keystore file of specific validator
  • --password-file is a file with exit passowrd placed in
  • --beacon-node is a beaconnode url

Example request can look as below:

/usr/local/bin/lighthouse --network mainnet account validator exit --keystore /var/lib/lighthouse/vi1/validators/keystore... --beacon-node http://localhost:5052
/usr/local/bin/lighthouse --network gnosis account validator exit --keystore /var/lib/lighthouse/vi1/validators/keystore... --beacon-node http://localhost:5052

For confirmation, place exit phrase Exit my validator

Follow instructions from Exit Lighthouse validators on Github. What's the directory of validators you want to exit?:
  1. Install a script for bulk exit
  2. Create ~/exit/keystore-password.txt file with keystores password. It's the passowrd selected during validator keys generation. The passowrd can be also found at validator_definitions.yml file, see
    sudo nano /var/lib/lighthouse/vi1/validators/validator_definitions.yml
  3. Perform the exit all validators in selected instance request
    /usr/local/bin/lighthouse_exit_validators.sh mainnet /var/lib/ethereum/lighthouse/vi1/validators http://localhost:5052
    /usr/local/bin/lighthouse_exit_validators.sh gnosis /var/lib/gnosis/lighthouse/vi1/validators http://localhost:5052
    • Replace /var/lib/gnosis/lighthouse/vi1/validators/ for a path to your instance keystores
    • Run the script
    • On Confirm exit request for listed validators? (y/n):, press y to confirm the exit request
  4. Remove the password from ~/exit/keystore-password.txt
Example output:
Running account manager for gnosis network
validator-dir path: "/home/serverUser/.lighthouse/gnosis/validators"
Publishing a voluntary exit for validator: 0x8...e31d

Successfully validated and published voluntary exit for validator 0x8...e31d
Voluntary exit has been accepted into the beacon chain, but not yet finalized. Finalization may take several minutes or longer. Before finalization there is a low probability that the exit may be reverted.
Current epoch: 1245094, Exit epoch: 1245099, Withdrawable epoch: 1245755
Please keep your validator running till exit epoch
Exit epoch in approximately 400 secs


See more at official documentation, if needed.