Interactive Solo Gnosis staking guide for Ubuntu OS

One-page interactive complete guide to stake one as well as thousands of validators in a single staking node. Simply made, well explained, allowing running multiple chains on a single node. Focused on gnosis.


This guide is for informational purposes only. The author nor website owner does not guarantee accuracy of the information in this guide and is not responsible for any damages or losses incurred by following the guide.

Prerequisites for this guide

  1. Installed and synced Execution and Consensus client

    Install Execution and Consensus Client


StakeWise documentation:

  1. Installing StakeWise client

    1. Find the latest stable version of StakeWise client on Github

    2. Download the binary file for your node

      cd ~/downloads && curl -LO
    3. Unpack the client and remove its packed file

      tar xvf operator-v3.0.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm operator-v3.0.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    4. Move the client to /usr/local/bin

      sudo cp ~/downloads/operator-v3.0.3-linux-amd64/operator /usr/local/bin/stakewise-operator
    5. Remove downloaded files

      rm -r ~/downloads/operator-v3.0.3-linux-amd64

Add Stakewise operator

StakeWise Operator is a middleware that connects staked GNO in selected StakeWise Vault with actual validator keys connected to the same Vault. StakeWise operator doesn’t replace a validator client and as so, there's still required to to run standard validator client with the validator keystores simultaneously to perform validator duties.

StakeWise documentation:

  1. Creating a StakeWise Vault

    You must have a deployed Vault. You can create a new Vault or use an existing one.

    • At, connect your wallet and create a new (or select your existing) Vault
    • Process vault setup step by step.
      StakeWise Vault Creation - Step 1 StakeWise Vault Creation - Step 2 StakeWise Vault Creation - Step 3
      Click at image for full size
    • Once vault is deployed go to its page.

    You will need the vault address. Vault address can be found either in the URL bar or in the "Contract address" field in "Details" section at the bottom of the page. This Vault contract address will be used as the withdrawal address for validator keystores.

    StakeWise Vault address: (lowercased)
  2. Prepare validators keystores, deposit data file and wallet for StakeWise gno-stakewise-operator service

    In order to run Operator Service, you must create keystores and deposit data file for your Vault's validators, and set up a hot wallet for Operator Service to handle validator registrations.

    Operator Service has in-built functionality to generate all of the above. If needed, you can check also original guide at

    • Preparation for offline generation

      For security reasons, it is recommended to perform configuration and generation strictly offline.

      • Download latest StakeWise Operator client
        • On an online machine, download the latest stable version of StakeWise Operator client from StakeWise github page Choose a version of the client for operating system you use on the offline machine.
        • Unwrap the downloaded client and move it using USB stick to your offline machine.
    • Offline generation

      On offline PC, unsing the StakeWise operator client, process the operations below:
      • Generate a config.json file

        ./stakewise-operator init --data-dir ./
        Example process & output
        Enter the network name (mainnet, holesky) [mainnet]:
        Enter your vault address: 0xXXXX...
        Choose your mnemonic language (chinese_simplified, chinese_traditional, czech, english, italian, korean, portuguese, spanish) [english]:
        This is your seed phrase. Write it down and store it safely, it is the ONLY way to recover your validator keys.
        pumpkin anxiety private salon inquiry ....
        Press any key when you have written down your mnemonic.
        Please type your mnemonic (separated by spaces) to confirm you have written it down
        : pumpkin anxiety private salon inquiry ....
        Successfully initialized configuration for vault 0xXXXX...

        The Output is config.json file that keeps mnemonic_next_index value that is used for generating next keystores above the same seed.

      • Generate validator keys

        ./stakewise-operator create-keys --data-dir ./
        Example process & output
        Enter the vault address: 0xXXXX...
        Enter the number of the validator keys to generate: 10
        Enter the mnemonic for generating the validator keys: pumpkin anxiety private salon inquiry ....
        Creating validator keys:    [####################################]  10/10
        Generating deposit data JSON    [####################################]  10/10
        Exporting validator keystores    [####################################]  10/10
        Done. Generated 10 keys for 0xXXXX... vault.
        Keystores saved to ./0xXXXX.../keystores file
        Deposit data saved to ./0xXXXX.../keystores/deposit_data.json file

        Encryption password for keys generation was generated and used automatically and can be found at ./0xXXXX.../keystores/password.txt file.

      • Create Hot wallet

        Run the create-wallet command below to create hot wallet using your mnemonic (note, this mnemonic can be the same as the one used to generate the validator keys, or a new mnemonic if you desire).

        ./stakewise-operator create-wallet --data-dir ./
        Example process & output
        Enter the vault address: 0xXXXX...
        Enter the mnemonic for generating the wallet: pumpkin anxiety private salon inquiry ...
        Done. The wallet and password saved to ./0xXXXX.../wallet directory. The wallet address is: 0x239B...e3Cc

        Within a ./0xXXXX.../wallet directory, there are 2 files now: wallet.json and password.txt.

        Note, you must send some xDAI to the wallet for gas expenses. You must keep an eye on your wallet balance, otherwise validators will stop registering if the balance falls too low.

    • Moving StakeWise configuration to staking node

      • Removing password.txt files for security reason
        For security reason, you can write content of following password files on the paper and then remove the passwords from the file.
        • keystores/password.txt
        • wallet/password.txt
      • Copy 0xXXXX... directory from offline PC to your USB stick
      • Copy 0xXXXX... directory from your USB stick to staking node. You can use scp protocol for remote transfer

    Use your preferred methods of generating keystores and deposit data file, such as via Wagyu Keygen, and your preferred tool for generating the hot wallet, such as MetaMask.

    • On offline PC, generate deposit keys with the Vault withdrawal's address. See a keystore guide.
    • Create Hot wallet...
  3. Create a StakeWise operator service

    Create a node operator system service for running StakeWise validators and register keystores into it.

    • StakeWise instance (node operator) service name:
    • Create a service user for StakeWise Operator

      sudo useradd --system --no-create-home --shell /bin/false gno-stakewise-operator
    • Create a directory for StakeWise operation configuration data

      sudo mkdir -p /srv/stakewise/gnosis
      • Copy your offline-generated 0xXXXX... folder to this directory to make the Vault data files available at /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX...
      • Do not forget to add correct passwords to the passowrd.txt files, if you removed them for the transfer
        • sudo nano /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX.../keystores/password.txt
        • sudo nano /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX.../wallet/password.txt
      • Set directory ownership
        sudo chown -R gno-stakewise-operator:gno-stakewise-operator /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX...
      • Set Read only by owner permission at the password files
        • sudo chmod 400 /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX.../keystores/password.txt
        • sudo chmod 400 /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX.../wallet/password.txt
    • Create a directory for StakeWise operation database

      sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gnosis/stakewise/0xXXXX...
      Set directory ownership
      sudo chown -R gno-stakewise-operator:gno-stakewise-operator /var/lib/gnosis/stakewise/0xXXXX...
    • Configurate the gno-stakewise-operator service

      sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gno-stakewise-operator.service
      Description=Stakewise operator service (Gnosis network)
      ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/stakewise-operator start \
        --network gnosis \
        --vault 0xXXXX... \
        --data-dir /srv/stakewise/gnosis \
        --database-dir /var/lib/gnosis/stakewise/0xXXXX... \
      #  --execution-jwt-secret /var/lib/jwtsecret/gnosis.hex \
        --consensus-endpoints  \
        --execution-endpoints \
        --hot-wallet-file /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX.../wallet/wallet.json \
        --hot-wallet-password-file /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX.../wallet/password.txt \
        --keystores-dir /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX.../keystores \
        --deposit-data-file /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX.../deposit_data.json

      Reload deamon

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  4. Start the node operator service

    sudo systemctl start gno-stakewise-operator && systemctl status gno-stakewise-operator

    Check the service

    systemctl status gno-stakewise-operator

    Monitor the service

    journalctl -f -u gno-stakewise-operator


    2024-07-27 17:20:45 INFO     Starting operator service, version v3.0.3
    INFO     Checking connection to database...
    INFO     Connected to database /var/lib/gno-stakewise/0xXXXX.../operator.db.
    INFO     Checking connection to consensus nodes...
    INFO     Connected to consensus node at Finalized epoch: 1038841
    INFO     Checking connection to execution nodes...
    INFO     Connected to execution node at Current block number: 35182233
    INFO     Checking vault address 0xXXXX...
    INFO     Vault withdrawable assets: 0.00 GNO
    INFO     Checking hot wallet balance 0xXXXX... ...
    INFO     Checking connection to ipfs nodes...
    INFO     Connected to ipfs nodes at,,,
    INFO     Checking connection to oracles set...
    INFO     Connected to oracles at,,,,,,,,,,
    INFO     Checking deposit data file...
    INFO     Found deposit data file /srv/gno-stakewise/0xXXXX.../deposit_data.json
    INFO     Checking keystores dir...
    INFO     Found keystores dir
    INFO     Loading keys from /srv/gno-stakewise/0xXXXX.../keystores...
    INFO     Loaded 8 keys
    INFO     Loaded deposit data file /srv/gno-stakewise/0xXXXX.../deposit_data.json
    INFO     Syncing network validator events...
    INFO     Updating oracles cache...
    INFO     Started operator service
  5. Enable auto launch on OS startup

    sudo systemctl enable gno-stakewise-operator
    • Extend Staking manager clients.conf

      Insert gno-stakewise-operator into clients.conf file, section stakewiseOperators, that is used by Staking Manager.
      sudo nano /usr/local/etc/staking/config/clients.conf
    • Activate service to start automatically on OS startup

      • Open Start with delay util
        sudo nano /usr/local/bin/
      • Place or uncomment a command to start the Beacon client(s)
        /usr/local/bin/ start stakewise
      • Verify, that a service `delayed-start.service` exists and is automatically launched on system start.
        sudo systemctl enable delayed-start.service
  6. Configurate & Run Validator instance performing validation duties

    1. Do you want to create a new validation instance or extend exisiting instance for more validators?

      • Create a directory for validator instance data

        sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gnosis/lighthouse/vi1
      • Load keystores to /var/lib/gnosis/lighthouse/vi1

        sudo /usr/local/bin/lighthouse --network gnosis account validator import --reuse-password --directory $HOME/keystores/ddk_i1 --datadir /var/lib/gnosis/lighthouse/vi1
        • Insert keystores encryption password (the one used during keystores generation) on request
        • If there are keystores with different encryption password, repeat the process for each encryption password
      • Create a service user for the validator instance

        sudo useradd --system --no-create-home --shell /bin/false gno-lighthouse-vi1
      • Set ownership of /var/lib/gnosis/lighthouse/vi1 to validators-i1 user

        sudo chown -R gno-lighthouse-vi1:gno-lighthouse-vi1 /var/lib/gnosis/lighthouse/vi1
      • Create configuration service file for gno-lighthouse-vi1 service

        1. Open the configuration file

          sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gno-lighthouse-vi1.service
        2. Copy the configuration below into the file.

          Description=Lighthouse Validator Instance (Gnosis Network)

          ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/lighthouse vc \
            --network gnosis \
            --datadir /var/lib/gnosis/lighthouse/vi1 \
            --suggested-fee-recipient 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \
            --beacon-nodes http://localhost:5052 \
            --graffiti "Nethermind+Lighthouse"

        3. Press CTRL + X then Y then ENTER to save and exit the config file.
      • Other configurations

        Nothing to do. You are ok.
        • Extend Staking manager clients.conf

          Insert gno-lighthouse-vi1 into clients.conf file that is used by Staking Manager.
          sudo nano /usr/local/etc/staking/config/clients.conf
      • Stop running validator instance gno-lighthouse-vi1

        sudo systemctl stop gno-lighthouse-vi1
      • Extend /var/lib/gnosis/lighthouse/vi1 for new keystores

        sudo /usr/local/bin/lighthouse --network gnosis account validator import --reuse-password --directory $HOME/keystores/ddk_i1 --datadir /var/lib/gnosis/lighthouse/vi1
        • You will be requested to insert keystores encryption password (the one used during keystores generation)
        • If there are keystores with different encryption password, repeat the process for each encryption password
        • Already existing keystores in the directory will be skipped
    2. Load processed changes to the system

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    3. Start the validator instance

      sudo systemctl start gno-lighthouse-vi1
    4. Check the running validator instance

      systemctl status gno-lighthouse-vi1
      journalctl -fu gno-lighthouse-vi1
    5. Activate service to start automatically on OS startup

      $ sudo systemctl enable gno-lighthouse-vi1
      • Open Delayed Start shell
        sudo nano /usr/local/bin/

        Configurate service start inside it

        systemctl start gno-lighthouse-vi1

        NOTE: This option requires installed Staking Manager util.

        Add/Uncomment /usr/local/bin/ start validators that will automatically launch all defined validator instances.
        /usr/local/bin/ start validators
      • Be sure, delayed-start.service service controlling is enabled for auto start with system startup
        sudo systemctl enable delayed-start.service

    Guide to exit validator is available at

    1. Do you want to create a new validation instance or extend exisiting instance for more validators?

      • Create a directory for validator instance data

        sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gnosis/lodestar/vi1
      • Enable accessing /var/lib/gnosis/lodestar/vi1 for server user myserveruser

        sudo chown -R myserveruser:myserveruser /var/lib/gnosis/lodestar/vi1
      • Load keystores to /var/lib/gnosis/lodestar/vi1


        Move to Lodestar client directory

        cd /usr/local/bin/lodestar
        ./lodestar validator import --network gnosis --importKeystores $HOME/keystores/ddk_i1 --dataDir /var/lib/gnosis/lodestar/vi1

        • Insert keystores encryption password (the one used during keystores generation) on request
        • If there are keystores with different encryption password, repeat the process for each encryption password
      • Create a service user for the validator instance

        sudo useradd --system --no-create-home --shell /bin/false gno-lodestar-vi1
      • Set ownership of /var/lib/gnosis/lodestar/vi1 to lodestar-vi1 user

        sudo chown -R gno-lodestar-vi1:gno-lodestar-vi1 /var/lib/gnosis/lodestar/vi1
      • Enable access to NodeJs for user lodestar-vi1

        sudo usermod -aG nodejsusr gno-lodestar-vi1
      • Create configuration service file for gno-lodestar-vi1 service

        1. Open the configuration file

          sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gno-lodestar-vi1.service
        2. Copy the configuration below into the file.

          • :
            This can be get with command $ node version

          Description=Lodestar Validator Instance (Gnosis Network)

          ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/lodestar/lodestar validator \
            --network gnosis \
            --dataDir /var/lib/gnosis/lodestar/validators/i1 \
            --suggestedFeeRecipient 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \
            # ToDo: Add Beacon API URL
            --force \
            --graffiti "Nethermind+Lodestar"

        3. Press CTRL + X then Y then ENTER to save and exit the config file.
      • Adding validator instance to staking services manager

        If you use a staking manager client, add the new instance into it.

      • Stop running validator instance gno-lodestar-vi1

        sudo systemctl stop gno-lodestar-vi1
      • Extend /var/lib/gnosis/lodestar/validators/i1 for new keystores

        ./lodestar validator import --network gnosis --importKeystores $HOME/keystores/ddk_i1 --dataDir /var/lib/gnosis/lodestar/vi1

        • You will be requested to insert keystores encryption password (the one used during keystores generation)
        • If there are keystores with different encryption password, repeat the process for each encryption password
        • Already existing keystores in the directory will be skipped
    2. Load processed changes to the system

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    3. Start the validator instance

      sudo systemctl start gno-lodestar-vi1
    4. Check the running validator instance

      systemctl status gno-lodestar-vi1
      journalctl -fu gno-lodestar-vi1
    5. Other configurations

      Activate service to start automatically on OS startup

      $ sudo systemctl enable gno-lodestar-vi1
      • Open Delayed Start shell
        sudo nano /usr/local/bin/

        Configurate service start inside it

        systemctl start gno-lodestar-vi1
      • Be sure, delayed-start.service service controlling is enabled for auto start with system startup
        sudo systemctl enable delayed-start.service
      • Configurate Lodestar validator Log monitor service

        Log monitor service monitors the service log and process defined action (fixes) in a case of any issue detected.

        1. Check, whether the logmonitor util is installed:
          /usr/local/bin/ version

          If the util is not installed, install Lodestar validator Log monitor from GitHub.

        2. Check defined Errors list for lodestarvalidator service
          sudo nano /usr/local/etc/lodestarvalidator_tracking_records.txt

          If not available, download it from GitHub. You can also modifiy it, if needed.

        3. Configurate the validator log monitor for service gno-lodestar-vi1, see guide on Github.
      • Activate service to start automatically on OS startup

        Our guide uses a custom util for launching services. It has following benefits:

        • It allows set delay for starting services. It eliminates slashing risk in the following scenario:
          1. A database corruption occures
          2. Lodestar Log monitor detects it, stopping the validator instance and clearing broken database
          3. Very quick power failure happens while the staking node starts immediately automatically
          4. As the database with last attestation is removed now, we need to prevent start of the validator instance to avoid double attestation / block proposal within the same slot.
        • It allows starting services through a shared script

          Starting all services through the Staking Manager util and its command /usr/local/bin/ start validators prevents a human error when there is forgotten set of sudo systemctl enable ... for any staking-related service.

          Extend Staking manager clients.conf

          Insert gno-lodestar-vi1 into clients.conf file that is used by Staking Manager.
          sudo nano /usr/local/etc/staking/config/clients.conf

        There's a Start with delay util to manage this.

        1. Install Start with delay util from GitHub, if not installed yet.
        2. Open Start with delay util
          sudo nano /usr/local/bin/
        3. Place new services (validator isntance and validator instance monitor) into the file
        4. Place command to start all validator services, if not attached yet
          /usr/local/bin/ start validators
        5. Verify, that a service `delayed-start.service` exists and is automatically launched on system start. See GitHub for a guide to do that.

    Guide to exit validator is available at

    1. Do you want to create a new validation instance or extend exisiting instance for more validators?

      • Create a directory for validator instance data

        sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1
      • If exists, remove deposit_data file from keystores folder

        • Display files in the directory
          cd $HOME/keystores/ddk_i1 && ls -lh
        • If there is deposit_data-XXX....json file, remove it
          sudo rm deposit_data-XXX....json
      • Copy keystores dedicated for instance into /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores folder

        sudo mkdir /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores
        sudo cp -a $HOME/keystores/ddk_i1/* /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores && cd /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores
      • Teku requires a .txt file with encryption password for each .json validator file.

        1. Display all keystores in the directory
          ls -lh
        2. .json

          Create a new .txt file for the keystore-m_12381_3600_X_0_0-XXXXXXXXXX.json keystore file

          sudo nano keystore-m_12381_3600_X_0_0-XXXXXXXXXX.txt

          Insert an encryption password for the validator key (the one used during keystores generation) into that file.

          Press ctrl + x, then y to save and exit

        3. Set readonly permission for that file
          sudo chmod 400 keystore-m_12381_3600_X_0_0-XXXXXXXXXX.txt

        Now, you can either repeate the process for all other keystores in the folder, or use an automated solution to duplicate the created password file (with modified name) for all remaining keystores, see Shell Script to generate password files for Teku.

        With automated process, to generate .txt file with a content of /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores/keystore-m_12381_3600_X_0_0-XXXXXXXXXX.txt for all remaining keystores in the /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores/ directory, use command

        sudo /opt/ /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores/keystore-m_12381_3600_X_0_0-XXXXXXXXXX.txt

      • Create a service user for the validator instance

        sudo useradd --system --no-create-home --shell /bin/false gno-teku-vi1
      • Set ownership of validator instance data directory to validator-instance user
        sudo chown -R gno-teku-vi1:gno-teku-vi1 /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1
      • Create configuration service file for gno-teku-vi1 service

        1. Open the configuration file
          sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gno-teku-vi1.service
        2. Copy the configuration below into the file.
          Description=Teku Validator Instance (Gnosis Network)

          ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/teku/bin/teku validator-client \
            --network gnosis \
            --beacon-node-api-endpoint \
            #--beacon-node-api-endpoint,, \
            --data-path /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1 \
            --validator-keys /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores:/var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores \
            --validators-proposer-default-fee-recipient 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \
            --validators-graffiti "Nethermind+Teku"

      • Stop running validator instance gno-teku-vi1

        sudo systemctl stop gno-teku-vi1
      • If exists, remove deposit_data file from keystores folder

        • Display files in the directory
          cd $HOME/keystores/ddk_i1 && ls -lh
        • If there is deposit_data-XXX....json file, remove it
          rm deposit_data-XXX....json
      • Copy keystores dedicated for instance into /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores folder

        sudo mkdir /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores
        sudo cp -a $HOME/keystores/ddk_i1/* /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores/keystores  && cd /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores
      • Teku requires a .txt file with encryption password for each .json validator file.

        1. Display all keystores in the directory
          ls -lh
        2. .json

          Vreate a new .txt file for the keystore-m_12381_3600_X_0_0-XXXXXXXXXX.json keystore file

          nano keystore-m_12381_3600_X_0_0-XXXXXXXXXX.txt

          Insert an encryption password for the validator key (the one used during keystores generation) into that file.

          Press ctrl + x, then y to save and exit

        3. Set readonly permission for that file
          sudo chmod 400 keystore-m_12381_3600_X_0_0-XXXXXXXXXX.txt

        Now, you can either repeate the process for all other keystores in the folder, or use an automated solution to duplicate the created password file (with modified name) for all remaining keystores, see Shell Script to generate password files for Teku.

        With automated process, to generate .txt file with a content of /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores/keystore-m_12381_3600_X_0_0-XXXXXXXXXX.txt for all remaining keystores in the /var/lib/gnosis/teku-vi1/keystores/ directory, use command

        $HOME/bashscripts/ /var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores/keystore-m_12381_3600_X_0_0-XXXXXXXXXX.txt

    2. Load changes made in config files to the system

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    3. Start the validator instance

      sudo systemctl start gno-teku-vi1
    4. Check the running validator instance

      systemctl status gno-teku-vi1
      journalctl -fu gno-teku-vi1
    5. Activate service to start automatically

      sudo systemctl enable gno-teku-vi1
      1. Open Delayed Start shell
        sudo nano /usr/local/bin/
      2. Attach command to remove lock files (to prevent start the validator in a case of existing lock fiels after a power failure). This must be processed before starting the validator service.
        /usr/local/bin/ '/var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores'
      3. Configurate service start inside it
        systemctl start gno-teku-vi1.service
      4. Be sure, delayed-start.service service controlling is enabled for auto start with system startup
        sudo systemctl enable delayed-start.service
      1. Configurate Staking Manager util

        • Open the configuration file
          sudo nano /usr/local/etc/staking/config/clients.conf

          If the file is empty, generate it with command sudo /usr/local/bin/ init

        • Set link to proper services. It should be as follow:
      2. Activate service to start automatically on OS startup

        • Open Start with delay util
          sudo nano /usr/local/bin/
        • Attach command to remove lock files (to prevent start the validator in a case of existing lock fiels after a power failure). This must be processed before starting the validator service.
          /opt/ '/var/lib/gnosis/teku/vi1/keystores'
        • Place or uncomment a command to start the Validator instance(s), if not made yet
          /usr/local/bin/ start validators
        • Verify, that the service `delayed-start.service` exists and is automatically launched on system start.
          sudo systemctl enable delayed-start.service

    Guide to exit validator is available at

    1. Do you want to create a new validation instance or extend exisiting instance for more validators?

      • Create a directory for validator instance data

        sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gnosis/nimbus/vi1
      • Load keystores to /var/lib/gnosis/nimbus/vi1

        sudo /usr/local/bin/nimbus-validator import data-dir=/var/lib/gnosis/nimbus/vi1 $HOME/keystores/ddk_i1

        NOTE: If you have used different passwords for each of your validators you will get an error. Run the process multiple times, providing each of the different passwords until they are all imported. Use the accounts list command to verify.

      • Create a service user for the validator instance

        sudo useradd --system --no-create-home --shell /bin/false gno-nimbus-vi1
      • Set ownership of /var/lib/gnosis/nimbus/vi1 to validators-i1 user

        sudo chown -R gno-nimbus-vi1:gno-nimbus-vi1 /var/lib/gnosis/nimbus/vi1
      • Create configuration service file for gno-nimbus-vi1 service

        1. Open the configuration file

          sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gno-nimbus-vi1.service
        2. Copy the configuration below into the file.

          Description=Nimbus Validator Instance (Gnosis Network)

          ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/nimbus/nimbus_validator_client \
            --network=gnosis \
            --data-dir=/var/lib/gnosis/nimbus/vi1 \
            --beacon-node= \
            --suggested-fee-recipient=0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \

          See more flags at

        3. Press CTRL + X then Y then ENTER to save and exit the config file.
      • Other configurations

        Nothing to do. You are ok.
        • Extend Staking manager clients.conf

          Insert gno-nimbus-vi1 into clients.conf file that is used by Staking Manager.
          sudo nano /usr/local/etc/staking/config/clients.conf
      • Stop running validator instance gno-nimbus-vi1

        sudo systemctl stop gno-nimbus-vi1
      • Extend /var/lib/gnosis/nimbus/vi1 for new keystores

        sudo /usr/local/bin/nimbus-validator import data-dir=/var/lib/gnosis/nimbus/vi1 $HOME/keystores/ddk_i1

        NOTE: If you have used different passwords for each of your validators you will get an error. Run the process multiple times, providing each of the different passwords until they are all imported. Use the accounts list command to verify.

    2. Load processed changes to the system

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    3. Start the validator instance

      sudo systemctl start gno-nimbus-vi1
    4. Check the running validator instance

      systemctl status gno-nimbus-vi1
      journalctl -fu gno-nimbus-vi1
    5. Activate service to start automatically on OS startup

      $ sudo systemctl enable gno-nimbus-vi1

    Guide to exit validator is available at

    1. Do you want to create a new validation instance or extend exisiting instance for more validators?

      • Create a directory for validator instance data

        sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gnosis/prysm/vi1
      • Load keystores to /var/lib/gnosis/prysm/vi1

        : Gnosis chain is not supported by Prysm client
        • Accept Terms of Use
        • Set a wallet password. This is different to the validator password you set during keys generation. Prysm will use this to decrypt the validator wallet. Back it up somewhere safe. You will need this later in this section and when configuring the validator.
        • Provide the validator keys password. This is the password you set when you created the keys during keys generation

        NOTE: If you have used different passwords for each of your validators you will get an error. Run the process multiple times, providing each of the different passwords until they are all imported. Use the accounts list command to verify.

      • Create a Wallet Password File

        Create a file to store the wallet password so the Prysm validator service can access the wallet without you having to supply the password.

        sudo nano /var/lib/gnosis/prysm/vi1/password.txt

        Press CTRL + X then Y then ENTER to save and exit the config file.

      • Create a service user for the validator instance

        sudo useradd --system --no-create-home --shell /bin/false gno-prysm-vi1
      • Set ownership of /var/lib/gnosis/prysm/vi1 to validators-i1 user

        sudo chown -R gno-prysm-vi1:gno-prysm-vi1 /var/lib/gnosis/prysm/vi1
      • Create configuration service file for gno-prysm-vi1 service

        1. Open the configuration file

          sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gno-prysm-vi1.service
        2. Copy the configuration below into the file.

          Gnosis chain is not supported

        3. Press CTRL + X then Y then ENTER to save and exit the config file.
      • Other configurations

        Nothing to do. You are ok.
        • Extend Staking manager clients.conf

          Insert gno-prysm-vi1 into clients.conf file that is used by Staking Manager.
          sudo nano /usr/local/etc/staking/config/clients.conf
      • Stop running validator instance gno-prysm-vi1

        sudo systemctl stop gno-prysm-vi1
      • Extend /var/lib/gnosis/prysm/vi1 for new keystores

        Gnosis chain is not supported by Prysm client
        • Accept Terms of Use
        • Set a wallet password. This is different to the validator password you set during keys generation. Prysm will use this to decrypt the validator wallet. Back it up somewhere safe. You will need this later in this section and when configuring the validator.
        • Provide the validator keys password. This is the password you set when you created the keys during keys generation

        NOTE: If you have used different passwords for each of your validators you will get an error. Run the process multiple times, providing each of the different passwords until they are all imported. Use the accounts list command to verify.

    2. Load processed changes to the system

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    3. Start the validator instance

      sudo systemctl start gno-prysm-vi1
    4. Check the running validator instance

      systemctl status gno-prysm-vi1
      journalctl -fu gno-prysm-vi1
    5. Activate service to start automatically on OS startup

      $ sudo systemctl enable gno-prysm-vi1

    Guide to exit validator is available at

  7. Upload deposit file to the 0xXXXX... vault

    Once you have created your validator keys, deposit data file, and hot wallet, you need to upload the deposit data file to the Vault. This process connects your node to the Vault. Note, if there is more than one node operator in a Vault, you first need to merge all operator deposit data files into a single file (use the ./stakewise-operator merge-deposit-data command). Uploading the deposit data file can be achieved either through the StakeWise UI or via Operator Service and can only be done by the Vault Admin or Keys Manager.

    Upload the deposit data file either over the web StakeWise vault web UI or StakeWise operator service

    1. Connect with your wallet to StakeWise Operate webpage
    2. Select the Vault you want to upload the deposit data file to.
    3. In the upper right corner, click on "Settings" and open the "Deposit Data" tab. The "Settings" button is only visible to the Vault Admin or Keys Manager.
    4. Upload the deposit data file either by dragging and dropping the file, or clicking to choose the file via your file browser.
    5. Click Save and a transaction will be created to sign using your wallet. The Vault's deposit data file will be uploaded when the transaction is confirmed on the network.

    You can calculate deposit data Merkle tree root with the following command:

    sudo /usr/local/bin/stakewise-operator get-validators-root --data-dir /srv/gno-stakewise
    Example process & output
    Enter the vault address: 0xXXXX...
    The validator deposit data Merkle tree root: 0x504...26d7

    For other steps, check StakeWise guide, section Upload deposit data file to Vault, tab Operate Service.

  8. Extend validators set for other validators

    If there is allocated more GNO in the Vault deposit contract than a number of generated validator keys for the Vault contract, the operator informs about that with following message:

    stakewise-operator: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS WARNING  There are no available validators in the current deposit data to proceed with registration. To register additional validators, you must upload new deposit data.

    For option to register and launch other validators, you must do following:

    • On Offline PC, generate more validator keys for the Vault
    • On your staking node:
      1. Register the new keystores into a standard validator instance - either extend existing or create a new.
      2. Stop StakeWise Operator
      3. Copy the new validator keys to stakewise operator keystores directory /srv/stakewise/gnosis/0xXXXX.../keystores
      4. Replace the old depost-data.json file at /srv/gno-stakewise/0xXXXX.../deposit_data.json. take into notice, that the deposit_data.json file must contain only keystores that were not deposited yet.
      5. Start StakeWise Operator again
      6. As there is a different deposit_data.json file at your staking operator and on the Vault, you will see following log in the operator:
        ERROR    Deposit data tree root and vault's validators root don't match. Have you updated vault deposit data?
      7. Upload a new deposit_data.json file (same as on the operator) to the Stakevise Vault through Web UI. After that, operator should work properly again and pending GNO should be immediatelly allocated into newly registered validators.


StakeWise documentation:

  1. Updating StakeWise client

    1. Find the latest stable version of StakeWise client on Github

    2. Download the binary file for your node

      cd ~/downloads && curl -LO
    3. Unpack the client and remove its packed file

      tar xvf operator-v3.0.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm operator-v3.0.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    4. Stop running StakeWise clients

      sudo systemctl stop gno-stakewise-operator && systemctl status gno-stakewise-operator
      Modify the service names to reflect your used names during StakeWise integration
      /usr/local/bin/ stop stakewise
    5. Remove the old client

      sudo rm /usr/local/bin/stakewise-operator
    6. Move the client to /usr/local/bin

      sudo cp ~/downloads/operator-v3.0.3-linux-amd64/operator /usr/local/bin/stakewise-operator
    7. Start the client again

      sudo systemctl start gno-stakewise-operator && systemctl status gno-stakewise-operator
      Modify the service names to reflect your used names during StakeWise integration
      /usr/local/bin/ start stakewise
    8. Monitor

      journalctl -f -u gno-stakewise-operator
      Modify the service names to reflect your used names during StakeWise integration
      /usr/local/bin/ monitor stakewise
    9. Remove downloaded files

      rm -r ~/downloads/operator-v3.0.3-linux-amd64
